A. Menarini Pharma GmbH ist eine österreichische Tochtergesellschaft der Menarini Group/Florenz.
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A. Menarini Pharma GmbH is an Austrian subsidiary of the Menarini Group/Florence.
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The AT11-antagonist olmesartan is a highly potent antihypertensive agent1 that offers additional protective properties for the vasculature2: Therapy with olmesartan further leads to a significant volume reduction of atherosclerotic plaques3, independent of blood pressure reduction.
References: 1 Fabia M.J. et al.; Journal of Hypertension( 2007), 25: 1327 - 1336, 2 Fliser D. et al.; Circulation Vol. 110 No 9 (2004): 1103-1107, 3 Stumpe K. et al.; Ther Adv in Cardiovasc Disease (2007): 97-106
Amelior® (olmesartan + amlodipine) is a drug for the efficient lowering of blood pressure and combines the proven angiotensin II antagonist olmesartan (Mencord®) with the calcium channel blocker amlodipine.
Amelior® is indicated for the treatment of essential hypertension in adult patients whose blood pressure cannot be adequately controlled with olmesartan medoxomil or amlodipine as monotherapy and is offered in 3 different dosage combinations. This fixed combination is characterized not only by its pronounced antihypertensive efficacy, but above all by a comparatively rapid onset of action, which is particularly relevant in the case of higher baseline values. The almost full antihypertensive effect sets in within two weeks.4 This ensures rapid therapeutic success and increased patient compliance.
With the triple fixed combination Amelior® plus HCT consisting of the proven angiotensin II antagonist olmesartan medoxomil, the calcium channel blocker amlodipine and the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide (HCT), the olmesartan family has been expanded to include a further option for effective blood pressure lowering. The fixed combination of 3 active ingredients in a single tablet provides powerful blood pressure lowering. In addition, with once-daily administration, Amelior® plus HCT offers a simple therapy regimen and can contribute to increased compliance and improved achievement of the blood pressure target compared to a free drug combination.5 Amelior® plus HCT is offered in 5 different dosage combinations.
References: 4 Drug information Amelior®, 5 Weir MR et al; J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2011; Jun;13 (6):404-12