

Pharmig Code of Conduct and Transparency

A. Menarini Pharma GmbH is a member of Pharmig and is committed to compliance with the PHARMIG Code of Conduct (CoC) and the Rules of Procedure of the CoC Committees of Experts of the 1st and 2nd Instance (CoC Rules of Procedure). Instance (CoC Code of Procedure).

Pharmig Code of Conduct:

Transparency (Art. 9 Pharmig CoC)

Publication of pecuniary benefits in the cooperation of the pharmaceutical industry with healthcare professionals and institutions. On our website, for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023, information is available about the cooperation of A. Menarini Pharma GmbH with healthcare professionals and medical institutions, as well as in the field of research and development. This fulfills the requirements of the European Transparency Code of EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations), which is implemented in Austria by Article 9 of the Pharmig Code of Conduct (Association of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry).

The disclosure of the information pursuant to Article 9 Pharmig Code of Conduct shall be made on a publicly accessible website under the responsibility of the pharmaceutical companies in German or English. The disclosure of the information shall be made for a period of at least 3 years after the initial disclosure, unless a shorter period is mandatory for legal reasons. Professional cooperation between pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals, which has been well regulated for a long time, takes place in various fields of activity:

1. Research and development of new drugs in clinical trials (e.g., in hospitals, universities, and public or private health organizations)

2. Scientific consulting

3. Scientific seminars and congresses providing information and innovations

4. Conferences and continuing medical education (organized by public institutions, universities, scientific societies, accredited providers, or the pharmaceutical companies)

The exchange of expertise and practical experience between the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare professionals provides valuable information to promote research and development - which in turn serves to provide more efficient and effective medicines, and thus patient health.

This interaction, governed by national and international standards, is based on a shared understanding of transparency and ethical principles. You will now receive here an overview of the information published in accordance with the applicable data protection laws on pecuniary benefits pursuant to Art. 9 of the Pharmig Code of Conduct by A. Menarini Pharma GmbH to healthcare professionals and institutions that have consented to the publication of data, as well as in aggregated form for those persons or institutions that have not given their consent to the publication.

For questions regarding publication, please contact:

A. Menarini Pharma GmbH
EURO PLAZA, Building K / 4. Floor - Top 4.4.
Kranichberggasse 6 (Entrance K2)
1120 Wien

Tel.: +43/1/879 95 85 - 0

These addresses can also be used for individual members of the professional community and/or institutions to obtain information about the content and scope of the consent they have given for the publication of data or to revoke such consent. Furthermore, requests for corrections, deletions and blocking of incorrect data can be sent to this address.

For further information on publication in accordance with Article 9 of the Pharmig Code of Conduct and "Publication explained in simple words".

See EFPIA Reports

Grants to patient organizations

Patient organizations are an important part of our healthcare system. They represent the interests and needs of patients and their relatives to the public.

However, patient organizations are also important partners for the pharmaceutical industry, including A. Menarini Pharma GmbH. The cooperation brings important insights and experiences for both sides. The patient organizations receive support in their work and the companies in turn gain important insights into disease patterns, life with a disease and the practical experiences of patients in the use of drugs in certain indications.

For A. Menarini Pharma GmbH, cooperation with patient organizations has a high ethical value and is characterized by transparency and neutrality. For these reasons, it was a matter of course for our company from the beginning to publish all financial and other contributions to patient organizations in accordance with the obligation of the Pharmig Code of Conduct Article 10, which we hereby take into account.

From now on you will find here the publication of all donations from A. Menarini Pharma GmbH to patient organizations. The publications will be updated annually.

Download Report 2021



In the interest of transparency, we have decided to publish additional benefits from Stemline Therapeutics Switzerland GmbH, a company of the Menarini Group, in accordance with the requirements of the Pharmig Code of Conduct. This publication is made in a separate document.

Download Report Stemline 2022

Download Report Stemline 2023


Dear visitor, the gender form selected on our homepage always refers to female, male and various people at the same time. We have refrained from using a gender-specific spelling or multiple designations solely for the purpose of better readability. All personal designations are to be understood as gender-neutral.

Liebe Besucherin, lieber Besucher, die auf unserer Homepage gewählte Geschlechtsform bezieht sich immer zugleich auf weibliche, männliche und diverse Personen. Wir haben ausschließlich zum Zweck der besseren Lesbarkeit auf eine geschlechtsspezifische Schreibweise bzw. auf eine Mehrfachbezeichnung verzichtet. Alle personenbezogenen Bezeichnungen sind geschlechtsneutral zu verstehen.