For Patients

Angina pectoris

Angina pectoris is the most common symptom of coronary heart disease. The term angina pectoris is derived from the Latin word, angina "the constriction" and pectus "the chest". In Austria alone, there are more than 230,000 people affected. Typical complaints are pain in the chest area, which is often felt as dull, constricting and pressing, or sometimes as burning, and is due to an undersupply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. Depending on the regularity of symptoms, angina is classified as stable or unstable. In the stable form, symptoms are usually triggered by physical or mental stress, whereas in the unstable form, symptoms occur even at rest and are characterized by increasing severity, duration, and frequency. Stable angina is a marker for coronary artery disease and an important warning symptom for a possible heart attack. It is important to recognize the symptoms and initiate a diagnostic and therapeutic process early.

Understanding Angina pectoris Video

Knowing more about your condition leads to a better quality of life. That is why the free online course series "Angina pectoris" offers scientific information for patients and their relatives in a simple and understandable way.

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