Pulmonology & Allergology

Olisir® 20 mg 

Allergies under control thanks to Olisir® - without prescription!

Olisir® (active ingredient: bilastine) is an antiallergic agent for the symptomatic treatment of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (seasonal and perennial) and urticaria. Olisir® tablets and orodispersible tablets are used in adults and adolescents (aged 12 years and over). Olisir® once daily relieves allergy symptoms such as hay fever, watery eyes and itching quickly and for 24 hours.

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Now NEW - Olisir® eye drops, solution

Olisir® eye drops, solution are indicated for the treatment of ocular signs and symptoms of seasonal and perennial allergic conjunctivitis. Olisir® eye drops, solution are used for adults aged 18 years and over. One drop a day in the affected eye and the rapid effetc starts within just 15 minutes and lasts for up tp 16 hours! Olisir® eye drops are preservative-free and compatible with contact lenses.






Olisir® is available in the following package sizes and dosages:

10 tablets – Olisir® 20 mg – EUR 7,45
30 tablets – Olisir® 20 mg – EUR 20,90
10 melting tablets – Olisir® 20 mg – EUR 8,20
30 melting tablets – Olisir® 20 mg – EUR 23,00

Now NEW also available as:

Olisir® 6mg/ml eye drops, solution, 1 bottle of 5 ml - EUR 26,00

For information on risks and side-effectplease read the drug information and ask your doctor or pharmacist. 

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