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For Patients

Hives (urticaria)

Hives, also known as urticaria in medical terms, are a common skin disease. Classic symptoms are reddened skin and very itchy wheals. In some cases, the skin and mucous membranes also swell. Hives can be acute or chronic and have a variety of triggers. It is known that the typical itchy rash forms when certain immune cells (mast cells) release pro-inflammatory messenger substances (e.g. histamine) in response to irritation. Possible triggers are then, for example, intolerances to food, drugs or allergenic substances such as nickel, nylon or pollen. Physical stimuli such as cold, light, pressure, autoimmune reactions or chronic infections also lead to the development of symptoms. However, mast cells can also be activated in other ways. This means that not all hives are allergic. There are different forms of urticaria such as spontaneous acute hives, spontaneous chronic hives or physical forms of hives. Treatment primarily involves avoiding the triggers and treating the cause directly. Antihistamines are among the main drugs used to treat hives. They inhibit the action of histamine. This messenger substance is mainly responsible for the hives symptoms. Antihistamines are mainly taken in the form of a tablet. If severe acute hives symptoms occur, the drug may need to be administered as an infusion. In certain cases, cortisone is recommended or therapy using UV treatment.



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